Speaker - Life Coach WordPress Theme

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Created: Nov 1, 2017

Updated: May 26, 2024

ID: 65846

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Speaker - Life Coach WordPress Theme - Features Image 1Speaker - Life Coach WordPress Theme - Features Image 2Speaker - Life Coach WordPress Theme - Features Image 3Speaker - Life Coach WordPress Theme - Features Image 4Speaker - Life Coach WordPress Theme - Features Image 5Speaker - Life Coach WordPress Theme - Features Image 6Speaker - Life Coach WordPress Theme - Features Image 7Speaker - Life Coach WordPress Theme - Features Image 8

Take a glance at this amazing WordPress theme for speakers

Nowadays it is too popular to be a public speaker, especially if you have rich experience and a lot of knowledge in the definite sphere. Promote your skills and gather crowds of listeners by creating the website. If you want more people to hear from you, try our WordPress theme for speakers. It will be suitable for private speakers, coaches, companies that organizing different seminars or events, etc.

Turn the lives of people into the fairytale and share your knowledge with thousands. You can even hold webinars. It doesn't matter from which country your guests are. With WPML possibility you can simply translate your website into other languages. That is why you can also reach a foreign audience and engage them to read your website.

Put a lot of necessary information on one-page using various sections

Inside this WordPress theme for speakers you will find lots of sections that are equipped with a bunch of widgets. They are fully customizable, so you can change everything you need. Let's make an acquaintance with the set of pre-made sections:

  • ''About'' is the section to put the information about your company and its advantages;
  • ''Pricing'' to show the prices there and describe the events shortly;
  • ''Speakers'' section where you may put the information about the upcoming conferences and your speakers;
  • ''Gallery'' is the place where you can add the photo reports from previous events;
  • ''News'' section to publish the news about what is happening in your sphere;
  • ''Testimonials'' for showcasing the clients’ opinion about your conferences or webinars;
  • ''Contacts'' is a place with all contact data.

On the page header of the WordPress theme for speakers, you will find the linked social icons, phone number, and navigation for quick finding the necessary section. The footer looks very attractive and includes services, recent posts, and other information.

The ocean of features and widgets is available for you

The WordPress theme for speakers is based on Elementor builder, that is why it is so simple in customization. What is more, you will get a collection of its premium add-ons with dozens of extra widgets as a bonus. You may use them to add more functionality and wonderful elements to your sections.

Inside the Speaker template, you will find animated boxes, useful icons, a pricing table, call-to-actions, testimonials, etc. The contact section includes a Google map widget, so you can show there the location of your office. Your posts will look too gorgeous in a comfortable grid thanks to the blog widget. The ''To-Top'' button will return you to the beginning in a moment.

So many elements you have in the WordPress theme for speakers. You can stylize them and edit directly from the Elementor, so it is not necessary to be a professional developer to improve the pages. But if something went wrong and you can't handle it alone, contact our support team. You may write to them when you need advice about the theme, etc. The experienced specialists can solve any problem you have faced.


May 26, 2024:

  • Minor bugs fixed.

Speaker (November 28, 2023):

  • WordPress 6.4 compatible;
  • Elementor Page Builder 3.17 compatible;
  • Minor bugs fixed.

13 Reviews for this product

Шаблон не совсем простой в редактировании, но выполнен качественно.
Very cool theme. In fact I had to disable some features. But it is very nice
Bardzo nowoczesny i łatwy w użyciu motyw dla Word Press. Polecam go każdemu, kto szuka czegoś ładnego i bardzo funkcjonalnego. Szablon dostosowany jest do działań związanych z SEO, a także pozwala osiągnąć dobre wyniki w teście Google Speed Insight. Szablon bardzo dobrze współpracuje ze wszystkimi potrzebnymi wtyczkami, a każda wprowadzana modyfikacja nie narusza pozostałych elementów strony internetowej.
En un principio dude para comprar una plantilla por la posibilidad de usas una gratuita, sin embargo algunas de ellas muestran publicidad y fue lo que me llevo a adquirir esta plantilla que por ser de tiempo indefinido se me hace un costo relativamente bueno y accesible. Sin saberlo al comprar la plantilla se incluyen todos los plugins que se necesitan para su funcionamiento, fue algo que me agrado. Supongo en un futuro comprare algún otro tema.
купил данный шаблон заказчикам, которым нужен был бюджетный и при этом довольно-таки приличный сразу скажу, что, по тсандарту доволен был всеми шаблонами, с этим пока проблем не возникло так же. хотелось бы отметить, что данный дизайн выполнен в хорошем виде, т.к. довольно-таки гармонично все выглядит. Цена не завышена и можно с удовольствием отложить в коллекцию. Так же включили даже резервную копию бд для проверки. спасибо, пока всем доволен

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